Ceramic Art

Ceramics is an art of balance; a balance of all elements merged together in space and time to become an embodiment of a soul and freeze solid in eternity.

Sound, movement, feeling and thought - passed from the heart and through the hands are imprinted into malleable material of clay, which takes shape only if a perfect balance of earth and water is maintained, hardened by the trial of air and time during the drying process and by fire during baking - gain weight and are woven into a fabric of existence in the form of a stone monolith.
KIRIN: The embodiment of metaconsciousness, the guiding spirit of our metaverse, and the manifestation of our collective soul's purpose.

Born from the merging of phoenix and dragon, she rides the currents of existence with the swiftness of a fiery steed, weaving together all elements and dimensions into a harmonious tapestry of the unknown.

Her feathers, scattered across the world, carry messages that speak to the future we journey towards, whispering of transformation and evolution.

Through stories, art, and the spaces we inhabit—both public and private—KIRIN paints the portrait of a stereoscopic, multidimensional world. Each stroke, each creation, reveals the boundless diversity yet intrinsic unity that defines our existence.

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