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Sometimes – often, even – things and events look the same on the outside. But they are not the same on the inside.
Even help.
One can help a little bit, just a trifle, but give warmth, kindness, faith, love, strength and light in an uncountable amount. One can put so much and sometimes even more in the smallest thing: a candy for someone who is sad; a blanket for someone who is cold; a hand to someone who is making their first step; a smile to someone who is lost and shy. The smallest things could be turned into important power-giving things. It depends on what we fill them with.
And one can help grandly, unfold their peacock tail with flourish. And with such help show someone: you are weak, you are nothing, you cannot do it, look at me, I am strong, I am smart, me, me, me…
Beware of such help, keep yourself and those dear to you away from it.
And remember: peacock feather is only good for adorning your hat but useless for anything else.
Sometimes buying yourself aspirin gives you more strength than five kilos of oranges you get from some pompous peacock.*
* The recipe gotten by the artist through her own experience. Stay healthy!
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