"Multi-dimensional karmic knot" - stereoscopic picture of the states of consciousness of one andromedian traveler who is stuck in earthly karmic knots. How does it feel? What does it mean? Let's explore this together through the pictures and animation of this collection.
Consciousness is not a thing but a process. Growing and living chain of multidimensional reflections. Single picture reflects just a moment, one facet. Animation gives us an opportunity to show holographic scene, explore layer by layer and build stereoscopic picture.

"At first my andromedian friend was so exited to solve karmic riddles. Boasted that he could knit beautiful sweaters from karmic knots. Rejoiced until he tied all his neural links and got lost in lines. Promise, i will help you to reload your memory when I am home. If you will still exist... It's good that in other timelines he was more careful and aware. And with these versions of him I can discuss my very important philosophical questions."
One day the time has come. One day the Right Time has come.

To attract attention to itself, the right time, having entered into a creative union with Space, started whispering greetings in the Consciousness' ear in order to - gently and without pressure - announce its presence so as not to stress the unprepared Consciousness. But Consciousness turned out to be so unprepared, that at first it did not hear a sound. In an attempt to hint at its presence the Right Time decided to start showing unusual signs and phenomena. When this did not help, it started arranging polyphonic concerts with emotional circus performances. By performing experiments of various kinds, it has quickly become clear that there is a problem with the opponent's inner hearing and eyesight...

OW-OS - Episode #1 landscape

... Attention, in its turn, was focused on its usual places and, at first, refused to even notice amazing things, so as not to have to admit that the previously built picture of the world needs to be rethought. Sometimes there was an eyebrow raised in surprise, but then immediately lowered, having decided not to take events seriously. Yet Space and the Right Time did not give up and, intensifying the pressure, moved on to daring deeds, not shying away even from violating the fundamental laws of physics and chemistry of this world. Happenings took a turn from amazing to outlandish, then to phenomenal, and eventually became anomalous. Then finally, Consciousness did tune in and immediately decided that something irreparable had happened: it had gone crazy. A temporary retreat was needed to allow the poor thing to catch its breath, to stabilize a little and to believe in its integrity again. Then amazing and anomalous happenings returned once more, then subsided a bit again. Thus, some time passed. Consciousness ceased to be afraid and stopped avoiding communication. Now it has itself started calling...
OW-OS - Kirin portrait #1

Growing the seed of infinity and breathing life.
Drinking memories about a rain drop by drop from an imaginary cup in the corner of the eye. Seems like mountains were there too...

River. Clouds. Greens...

...Towers. Sand. Shadows. Thirst.