"Theater of Invisible"

Project for the creation and implementation of
The study and development of human consciousness through art & science.

      - Actualize and bring into awareness the processes of culture transformation, which are already transpiring around the world, but very randomly.

      - Popularize the new norms in accordance with time and the two global tasks it puts before us: deep space human exploration and the meeting of humans with AI.

      - Create performances on an urban scale, to introduce stories and archetypes of space metaculture in everyday life by creating precedents for the interaction of earthlings with the new world, approaching us from the future. Here, it is precisely the integration into daily life that is important. When we come into contact with the world of ideas in the space of theaters, museums, scenes, it directs us deep into the inner space. Our task, on the contrary, is to give birth of a matured internal information field, to project it outward.

      - Place in public spaces of cities around the world feathers of the Cosmic Bird, which will be physical portals to the project's information space aimed at creating a United Space Nation (initiatives like, united by culture of Cosmic Consciousness (current project).

      - To build a large-scale media program, a research program and a program for the commercial implementation of the proposed models and states, building cooperation channels with the business environment to anchor this meta-culture in physical reality.

      - To create research sites for working with states of consciousness necessary for the exploration and development of deep space; development and implementation of space industry programs in this layer of research.

      - To create parks, squares, neighborhoods and museums, objects of cultural significance in the format of the proposed space meta-culture in the urban environment.

      - To organize holidays and fairs on a city scale in the format of the mythology of space metaculture.

      - To create research sites for working with states of consciousness necessary for the exploration and development of deep space; development and implementation of space industry programs in this layer of research.


      - To design and construct commercial facilities of a unique format. Hotels, restaurants, retail spaces implemented in the format of the future metaculture. Innovative not only in architectural format, but also in scenarios, interaction plots, proposed states for living.

      - To create a unified system for promoting objects, designed in a unified map of the world scale, presented to the consumer in the format of an interactive map located on the website of the SPACE CONSCIOUSNESS project and websites of organizations friendly to the project. To present and promote created objects along with the promotion of the project.

      - To create a unique format of commercial facilities - a competitive advantage realized with the use of the latest VR, AR and other modern IT technologies - created by a team of specialists working with organizations of the space industry, in collaboration with a wide range of specialists from various fields of science and culture. Deep, high-quality work carried out at different layers will allow us to create objects which are truly unique in form, structure and content.The value created in this way is directly related to the possibility of obtaining a corresponding financial result.

      - To cooperate with industries and brands already on the market to jointly produce unique collections in the format of the mythology of the created meta-culture.To collaborate with brands that create consumer products: clothing, interior and household items, personal cars, souvenirs, toys for children, New Year's toys and other products of any format. To utilize technologies and stories included in the philosophy of the project to create collections of unique things, as if transferred to our time from the cosmic future.


      To create objects for everyday use such as private houses, residences, objects for recreation, work and entertainment, which structure is built for new scenarios, scenarios for living life in peak states, in expanded states of consciousness. Through this process, we anchor new ways of contact with the environment and the world. By changing the stimulus, we change the reaction, we transform the patterns of action, transform the consciousness of the person using these objects into states of consciousness of higher, wider formats. Thus, this work can be characterized as educational, but carried out in the format of adaptation to the environment, in a game format, without tedious lectures and reading volumes of specialized literature. In this block, it is important for us to work with automatisms. The use of technology in VR and AR scenarios for broadcasting peak states in everyday subjects.

      - To design and construct private facilities of a unique format. Private houses, residences, spaces for rest and work, realized in the format of the future metaculture. Innovative not only in architectural format, but also in scenarios, usage patterns, proposed states for living.

      - To produce by order on-of-a-kind products of any format: clothing, interior and household items, souvenirs, toys for children, New Year's toys and other products of any format. To use technologies and stories included in the philosophy of the project to create collections of unique things, as if transferred to our time from the cosmic future.
        "I am consciousness and I have no boundaries,
        no limits, no matter which form I take.

        And I want to reveal myself in you..."
        CHAPTER 1/ OBJECT 2

        Interactive art-object
        Public pavilion.
        Tall Sculptural ceramic art-objects